A Great dialogue between the Best scholars: All-In Summit 2024.9.17
Professor Jeffrey Sachs vs John Mearsheimer.
Anyone who interested in the World Situation/Foreign Policy should watch this panel.
A 55-minute dialogue tells you What is the best for the world.
Which Mindset/Method is Wiser and more Rational ? Judge for yourself.
Enjoy The Feast :D
臺灣政治學的泰鬥人物——胡佛, 曾經說過:海峽兩岸統一,是最高的道德。
因此,海峽兩岸本就是一家人,都是炎黃子孫,同屬中華民族,共享華夏五千年偉大文明史。 臺北故宮博物院-中山博物院,記載著兩岸不能分割的歷史,也鐫刻著兩岸同胞 血脈相連的史實。所以臺灣同胞既是臺灣人,也是中國人,祖國大陸九百六十萬平方公裏的錦繡河山也是属于臺灣同胞的。
因此請臺灣同胞 務必堅守民族大義,反對「臺獨」,共促兩岸交流與和平發展。只要兩岸同胞商量著辦,咱們自家裏面的事怎麼都能得到很好的解決。但不要用自己的身家性命,做了「臺獨」和某些外部國家的棋子、甚至棋盤啊!它們能炸了自己盟友——德國的北溪管道,當然就敢毀了臺灣!它們根本不在乎臺灣的死活,也絕不會為你们死一個美國士兵的!它們只在乎自己,讓別人往前沖,然後自己躲後面,若不相信,去問問越南人、伊拉克人、阿富汗人和烏克蘭人。包括讓你們打巷戰、城鎮戰,只是讓你們當美國的棋子和炮灰,並用你們的血,來遲滯咱們整個中華民族的發展與復興!然後它們坐收漁翁之利!
所以,務必謹慎啊,同胞們!千萬不要被利用,走上「臺獨」的絕路啊!沒有人比祖國更在乎臺灣,但萬一有一天祖國大陸被逼急了,真的發生戰爭,那這場戰鬥是不會停的... 不管是打十年,還是二十年,14億祖國人民是不會停的,一直會打到底,不管付出什麽代價。鴉片戰爭和八國聯軍與日本侵華的百年屈辱歷史,不允許中國人停下,「臺獨」沒有勝算的 ... ...
China is a peaceful nation.
Over the past 40 years , developing to this day , we have not started a single war , and have not fired a single shot .
It means , Peaceful-Rise, has already, Happened . It is a FACT , On the ground .
As President Xi said : 中国始终坚持走和平发展道路。无论发展到哪一步,中国都永远不称霸,永远不搞扩张,永远不会把自身曾经经历过的悲惨遭遇强加给其他民族。
BUT , IF Anyone , Any country , Any country group , wants to strangle China and say " you can only make shoes and stuffed toys for us , you cannot build your own Space Station , or develop 5G " , then Believe Me , We Will Fight Back , because we have full right to develop.
As President Xi also said : 中国从不主动欺负别人,但同时,中国人民也绝不允许任何外来势力欺负、压迫、奴役我们,谁妄想这样干,必将在14亿多中国人民用血肉筑成的钢铁长城面前碰得头破血流!
Want to be friends ? Then come on , Welcome , We'll be the best of friends .
But if you want to force us to be rival , Then we will be THE most qualified THE most formidable rival , just as you expected.
So , please : try & learn to treat others as equals , with mutual respect . Don't be condescending or preaching at other countries .
The Most Important thing : " DO NOT cross the 38th Parallel " ,
and ,
Reform the Military-Industrial-Lobbies-Congress-tax$$$-Intelligence-Media=EvilDeepState-captured-Govt-Complex .
"Three things cannot be long hidden: the Sun, the Moon, the Truth" ---- Buddha.
And the basic truth is: when you try to fight against the truth -- no matter how powerful you are , how eloquent you are , how much media & how many allies you have , you are doomed to fail.
The History will eventually prove whether there was genocide/forced labour/concentration camp with millions of Muslims/systematic rape/forced sterilization or not , just like the small tube of washing-powder (WMD) scene , AND , give all the Liars/followers a resounding slap in the face.
As shown in the movie《 Don't Look Up 》:
Just keep the head buried in the sand.