No guild page available
Total honour 107.392.755
Ranking 141
Members 35 / 39 Members
Level Ø 73
Fortune 831.484

Guild description



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First Guild On Server 9 with a Level 15 Training Ground thanks To All Great Players in the guild for making it Happen.

To Be A part of this great group....

۩Do not attack ANY guild member or member of an allied guild.

۩Do not outbid ANY guild member or member of an allied guild.

۩Stay active and strive to grow stronger.

۩If a guild member asks for help, please help if you can.

۩Be honorable! Dont attack people way lower level then you are, keep it within gold or experience range. However, retaliation can be expected for picking on guild members. To those that hit out of level against our guild, you can expect the full force of our guild to strike back.

۩Guild allies can ONLY be attacked if they are in the top 5 of their Arena. Always ask a guildmate if you can hit them for a spot or to take the pot, even if they gave you permission before. Just ask each time so there is no mistakes


Applications:When filling out an application, you must be level 30+ and up...if you play on other servers and your name on those...if you are a ruby user or non user...your age...and what you expect from the guild...and how will you contribute to make this a better guild than what it already is!!!

Lower levels please apply to the training guild. Once you level up, you can join the main guild. But, you must be an active player.

Training Guild: B-D / Bregan_Daerthe_II

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